Who are you and where do you come from?
G-unilla Hagström -that´s me!
U-meå, where I grew up has about the same latitude as Fairbanks in Alaska and Arkhangelsk in Russia.
N-ow I live in Stockholm.
I-llustrator, since 2007 when I finished my bachelor from the graphic design and illustration dept at Konstfack.
L-oves fantasy movies, Vietnamese cuisine and most animals.
L-ittle Gang is a music group i like, but if there was a C in my name I would have written Camera Obscura.
A-ll I want for Christmas is snow. Please?
H-a ha. My most common response to what people write on my private Facebook.
A-waiting the Studio Ghibli game Ni No Kuni. It would probably be unhealthy if I became more exited.
G-Force. What my nickname used to be until this fall when it changed to G-Ride as I became an adult with a driver´s license.
S-troke. This word has been very present in my life this year since my dear brother survived a massive stroke in January.
T-ime. One of the first book that really made an impact on me when I was little was „Momo“ by Michael Ende. It made my imagination grow.
R-ing ring. Please don´t. I prefer e-mail.
Ö-Ö is what most swedes say when they are confused and also means „island“ in Swedish.
M-mmm… I have a sweet tooth.
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about:
@drawingbynilla: Little observations about the world and work I surround myself with.
Tell us about your creative side:
My creative side makes me look at the world with open eyes. It makes me seek solutions to problems. It often helps me discover something beautiful in a grey day. For me, being creative is to take everything one step further. The only limit for being creative is my energy level, if it´s low it is harder to use my imagination. Therefore, to be creative I must eat and sleep well, and have a clean desk!
What inspires you?
Time travel: Where would you go to?
The year 2213. It could be a very scary experience. Or amazing and wonderful!
Name your favorite present book:
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang. It is an absolutely fascinating book and is still after twenty years banned in China.
Nr 1 book on my wish list: The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd
Which tweeter would you recommend for @createandrotate and why?
Eleanor Davis @squinkyelo is an illustrator I admire!
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