Januar 27th, 2013
Who are you and where do you come from? My name is Nina Stössinger, I’m a self-employed designer from Basel, Switzerland. Originally web designer, now working mostly as a graphic designer, in love with typography and type design.
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about: My main […]
Januar 20th, 2013
Who are you and where do you come from? Type Designer. Czech Republic.
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about: @MrBrezina: personal opinions and comments on presidential elections and type @rosettatype: type foundry agenda, we focus on multilingual fonts @TypeTalks: low-cost high-end no-frills mini-conference, we post only […]
Januar 13th, 2013
Who are you and where do you come from? My name is Linda Carson and I teach at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada.
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about: Most of the time, I tweet @lccarson. It’s the start of a new term @uwaterloo […]
Januar 6th, 2013
Who are you and where do you come from? We are the Brothers Moogk-Soulis, who hail from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (not to be confused with the 40+ other locations in the world also named Waterloo).
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about: @MoogkSoulis & @NealMoogkSoulis We tweet […]
Januar 1st, 2013 One Week Intermission.
Looking forward, looking back and looking beyond by the two admins.