The twitter account @createandrotate is a Rotation Curation project inspired by Location Curation project @sweden (an official state sanctioned campaign launched in December 2011 based on the idea that a single voice cannot represent a whole country).
A different visual artist or designer from around the world will tweet each week as @createandrotate and will be introduced each Sunday, 9 p.m. (CET).
By sharing experiences and thoughts people get connected and inspire eachother.
@createandrotate is a non-official project, run by @rainerklute, a fan of Sweden and good design, and @kulturdesign who enjoyed one week as a curator of @weareHH in August 2012. Special thanks to @snoopsmaus for starting the Hamburg account and for her help and inspiration.
Find out more about „the evolution of twitter“: Rotation & Location Curation – and please follow all the accounts you enjoy.