Who are you and where do you come from?
I am a graphic designer and illustrator from Hamburg, Germany who moved to the countryside a few years ago. Hamburg is still my cultural center but since I love nature, jogging, chicken and gardening, it is perfect for me to live in this tiny village at the river Elbe where my office and pottery workshop are located too.
Share your twitter account with us and tell us what you are twittering about:
@KulturDesign about my work-life-balance as a designer and about culture life of Hamburg
@WEC_News about topics for and from selfemployed women
@SeagullsWing about crafts and local markets (Northern Germany)
Tell us about your creative side:
I studied design in Hamburg and many of my clients are based there. As the “Deichgrafikerin” I mainly work in the cultural business, which means that I design posters, CD covers, flyers, brochures or draw illustrations for concert agencies, galleries, museums, record labels, theaters or artists. I am a workshop-addict, mainly in the field of calligraphy. I love my job. Have a look at my portfolio www.deichgrafikerin.de or my blog Graphic-Workstation (sorry, it’s all in German, but there is a lot to see ;-)
Due to the fact that I am creative 24/7 I also started to put the fruits of my hobbies in a webshop.
What inspires you?
Surprises, traveling, nature, water, motion, calligraphers, exhibitions, talks, music, silence …
Time travel: Where would you go to?
To Hamburg fish market around 1900
Name your favorite present book:
1Q84 by author Haruki Murakami
Which tweeter would you recommend for @createandrotate and why?
@rainerklute to learn more about his swedish inspired design taste and his tireless design networking commitment
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